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Department of Geography and the Environment – YOCA Ideas
A forum for students, faculty, and staff of the Department of Geography and the Environment to share ideas for climate action that can be undertaken as a department. Prizes are available for the best ideas submitted by students. Ideas that are feasible to implement within our Department and the larger University community will be favoured, but any ideas for meaningful GHG emission reductions or advancing climate justice are welcome. Submissions on the forum can be made anonymously, but participants will need to register with a Lakehead University email in order to be eligible for prizes, and to help keep posts respectful and supportive. No aggressive, hateful, or demeaning posts will be tolerated. If forum participants choose to be anonymous, user emails and identifying information will only be accessible by the forum moderators, (gdc@lakeheadu.ca), up until that time when prize winners will be announced.
- 1
- 3 years, 6 months ago
Department of Geography and the Environment – YOCA Ideas
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